Aromatherapy might be unsave

Aromatherapy might be ansafe unsafe
Image courtesy of nuchylee / 


Aroma treatment – so-called “aromatherapy” – today is becoming very popular. Many consider it very effective. But while most people forget that essential oils can not be used without control. Special care is required for children, pregnant women and people with allergies. How to understand the nuances, intricacies and dangers of medicinal smells?

The mainstay of treatment – essential oils

First of all, we recall the classic aromatherapy appointment: prevention and treatment with essential oils introduced into the body through the respiratory system and skin. Since the pure essential oils are not used, they are added to any base (protractor) oil-based. To this end, taking soy, almond, castor oil, corn oil, olive oil or normal refined sunflower oil. It is important to know what is better for oily skin, sunflower oil, for dry and normal – olive. Mineral oils such as petroleum jelly and paraffin penetrate the skin much worse, and dried it.

Essential oils should not be used without control and haphazard. Special caution is required with regard to children, pregnant women and people with allergies. Contraindications to the idiosyncrasy of aromatherapy are essential oils, various allergic reactions (dermatitis, rhinitis, asthma, etc.), acute respiratory, cardiovascular, renal and hepatic failure, coarse irregular heartbeat and other pathological processes.

Now examine in more detail some of the methods of aromatherapy.

Inhalation. Breathe over a saucepan

If there is no medical inhaler, the plants brewed in a pot and cover with a towel and breathe over the steam. Convenient for home inhalation pot. Wonderful place and a method for treating inhalation – Bath. A normal procedure – 10-15 minutes. Course – 5-10 inhalation. To protect the eyes from irritation, and should be kept tightly closed. After the procedure, it is desirable to avoid an hour of talking, do not smoke, do not eat, and about half did not go out of the room.

You can use vaporizers for aromatherapy treatment. In fact, you can use them with water alone or aromatherapy substances to relieve a stuffy nose or allergies or to simply relax. While there may be a societal bias against this kind of treatment, it may be worth looking into if you have a condition that warrants its use.

Aroma Lamp

Oil burner – a ceramic, metal or stone vessels, consisting of two parts. The upper cup is poured warm

water with essential oils (the rate of 2-3 drops per 5 square meters. meters of floor space). Then in the lower arch light a candle, which gradually heats the bottom of the bowl. By slow evaporation of water air evenly saturated flavor. Continuous oil burner may not work more than 2 hours, but use it to 4 times a day.

In the absence of a special oil burner in a glass, metal or porcelain cup pour hot water (t ° no higher than 45-50 ° C) and add essential oil. Cup put in a warm place (for example, a battery), so that the water evaporates too quickly and did not cool down.

Aromatic bath

Pour warm water (35-38 ° C), but not hot. The fact that hot water causes intense sweating, prevent essential oils penetrate into the skin and promotes its evaporation. Oil pre-mixed with a solvent. To do this, take the sea or table salt (3-4 tablespoons), honey, sour cream, kefir (2-3 tablespoons), serum, whole milk (100-200 ml). Soap, shampoo, detergent gel to dissolve oils are undesirable because they reduce the therapeutic effects of its action on the skin. To keep the flavor of the door is closed, and when the tub filled completely, it is diluted essential oil.

On a full bath to about 8 drops to the tub for hands or feet – 4 drops. With daily dosing procedures is reduced by half. The course of treatment – 10-20 procedures. Duration of each of them varies from 5 to 30-35 minutes. Time increase gradually, from time to time, rinse the body with water after a bath is not necessary.

Applications, packs , internal use

For applications required amount of oil was dissolved in 10 ml of alcohol or any kind of oil-base. This mixture of a small piece of cotton wool soaked (gauze) and applied to the affected area for 10-15 minutes.

For hot compress about 15 drops of essential oil diluted in 30 ml of vegetable oil. Cloth moistened with this solution, which is applied to the skin, cover compress paper, insulated with cotton and secured with a bandage. Procedure time – 2 hours.

Children and pregnant women should not use essential oils inside. Adults who decide this question only after consultation with your doctor.

Safety regulations

Citrus oils Phototoxicity: better not to apply them on the skin before going out in the sun. Kidney disease are not recommended juniper, pine, thyme, and after strokes and heart attacks – basil, cypress, coriander, pine. People with overexcited nervous system, not shown cedar, clove and sage; suffering increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis – basil and cypress.

Before treatment, you need to carefully read the special features of essential oils and always consult with your doctor.To determine individual sensitivity to essential oils in health care use the method of electro by R. Voll, at home – do cutaneous and olfactory test.

Cutaneous test

One drop of essential oil mixed with a quarter teaspoon of olive (sunflower) oil. A small amount of this mixture is rubbed into the skin behind the ear, in the bend of the elbow (inside) on the wrist or in the sternum. If after 12 hours without any signs of irritation (redness, rash, itching, etc.), this essential oil is suitable for baths, massage, compression and other methods of influence mainly through the skin.

Olfactory test

On filter paper (blotter, napkin) periodically applied 1-2 drops of the above mixture of essential and vegetable oils. From time to time, hold the paper at a distance of 10-15 cm from the nose, avoiding contact with the skin. The sample is held for two days. If there is no smell when inhaled spasms breathing, coughing, sneezing and shortness of breath, according to the test, this essential oil is suitable for oil burner, inhalation or other means of influence through the lungs.

Flavors for all occasions

It turns out that even our dreams depend largely on the odors that are “accumulated” in a day. For example, the smell of rotten eggs makes people nightmares, and the fragrance of flowers, perhaps, give you pleasant dreams. Such studies conducted recently by German scientists from the clinic in Mannheim. Found that during sleep, the brain continues to respond to odors, and produce appropriate dreams. Aromatherapy is now being actively used by psychologists. The opening of the German researchers could create a whole line of psychotherapy. But now a man can create for himself a pleasant environment, beneficial effects on sleep. If you suffer from nightmares, you will help the smells of geranium, chamomile, sandalwood, ylang-ylang. They can be used for a relaxing massage. Sometimes a few drops of these oils are added to the aroma lamp. Get rid of the fear of the exam or unpleasant conversation can be quite simple: you drop on a handkerchief 2-3 drops of lavender oil, basil, mint and angelica. There’s also a combination of several oils, such as honey, rose and cedar.

Reference:  Med Pulse

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