Meat Consumption: A Slow Killer?

Meat Consumption: A Slow Killer?A recent Mayo Clinic study in Arizona found that through the studies of over 1.5 million people, through 5 and a half to around 20 years and discovered that reduced meat intake likely leads to a lower mortality rate. Continued scientific research studies show that the high rate of fats found in many processed (and unprocessed) meats leads to unhealthy dietary habits, unwanted, and otherwise unnatural fats, carbohydrates, and salts. Such foods (meats in particular) can also lead to unhealthy cravings of salts, and other meats or foods that are bad or counter-intuitive to a healthier you or dietary routines.

While both processed and unprocessed meats were considered for these research-studies, processed showed the most frequency in leading to unhealthy diets, cardiovascular diseases, conditions, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and obesity.

An additional 2014 medical study found that up to 50% of people experienced up to 25% increases in lifespan, health, and reports of both happiness and success with healthy, exercise-rich diets and lifestyles.

Essentially, the majority of these statistics and research-studies demonstrate that a vegetable rich diet is most optimal for not only good health, but also the most natural route to accumulate nutrient rich benefits – such as vitamins and minerals.
While meats undoubtedly have their share of health benefits with regards to proteins and some healthy fats, in general they might be concluded to cause more harm than good in the long-run for those that consuming meats on a daily basis.

Arguably, vegetables and fruits most seemingly provide a more substantial amount of vitamins and minerals when compared to meats. However, proteins and other enzymes found in many meats are nearly impossible to find or accumulate through an otherwise vegetarian-like diet.

While many vegetarians might lean on soy milk and other foods for protein, a weekly or bi-weekly consumption of meat is most understandably going to be the most protein-rich when it comes to dietary decisions.

Ultimately, whether or not an individual pursues a less meat-rich diet is nutritionally significant, however, avoiding an unhealthy diet and junk foods is also an understandably strategic approach to shifting towards a healthier diet.

While many scientists and some medical professionals or nutritionists might argue that meat consumption is harmful to one’s diet, an equally significant argument can be made in favor that excess of nearly any food can be detrimental to one’s diet or health.

Just like those whom are considered “short-term vegetarians” for all intensive research purposes, likewise anyone whom pursues a snack or junk-free diet might equally find a healthier lifestyle and decreased likelihood of unwanted diseases or illness.

While science and medicine might recommend decreasing meat consumption, limited research is currently available to otherwise demonstrate that completely stopping meat consumption will lead to a healthier you in the long run.

When considering meat consumption it’s always worth considering the method of cooking or preparation, as likewise many foods can be distinctively altered from healthy or unhealthy standards through various available preparation techniques.

Image credit:  satina

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