What Is The Benefit Of Coloring?

What Is The Benefit Of Coloring?

  1. Getting to know the colors. Red, green, blue, yellow – fabulous variety! Choosing a chalk, a paint, a pencil, a little child already understands what the basic colors are, how they can be mixed and combined, and how it can be used in life.
  1. Spatial thinking and photographic memory. The child begins to distinguish between the size, shape and number of objects, and also easier to imagine the image in the head.
  1. Fine motor skills. The development of small motility is associated with the development of thinking, and also helps in learning the language, in particular in writing.
  1. Make a choice. From which element to start? What color to choose? Paint, chalk, pencils? The child learns to make choices and see the consequences of his actions.
  1. Creative development. Did you notice that creative gifted people usually have a good pronunciation and a language propensity? This is no accident! The magical world of colors and shapes will not only develop the imagination of the little genius, but will also help him succeed in learning.
  1. Sustainability, will and attention. To run for hours, to beat all the conceivable records of physical education – this, of course, is very fun and useful. However, we are working for the future of our children and the coloring in this is our good friend! The child must make efforts and be careful to paint accurately and do not go beyond the line, as well as control the amount of water, pencil press, or chalk rigidity in order not to damage the image. All this, in the future, will very positively affect the mental abilities of the child and help to memorize more information.
  1. Relaxation. In psychotherapy there is a separate direction – art therapy, which helps to calm the inner self and sublimate emotions with the help of art. When you only know the world – a huge amount of information can be embarrassing and even nervous. Coloring helps to focus on one object and direct forces in a particular direction.
  1. Have fun! All the same, do not forget that drawing is not only calming, but also fun at the same time. Give the will of fantasy and enjoy the process! Have fun!

When do you start painting?

The sooner the better! The artwork of children under 1 year is not drawing, but experimenting, playing with paint and paper, but such games are important for the development of fine motor skills, imagination and the formation of the notion of color.

At the age of one to two years, the kids can not yet depict the subject. Drawing is a brush and paint manipulation. In the process there are random lines, strokes, dots. Gradually the image varies from smears to non-separable lines, spirals, the child tries to fill the whole sheet.

What coloring to choose?

At an early age, pay attention to individual coloring details. The outline of the picture should not be too thin, so it would be easier for small artists to leave it.

For children from 15 to 22 months, choose familiar things from everyday life, with smooth lines and without small details.

During the maturing of a child, choose more complex coloring: with unusual shapes, small pieces and even new objects. Connect fantasy!

Picture Credit: rawpixel

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