Image credit: silviarita
There is an opinion that if you eat healthy and healthy foods daily, the figure will be completely safe. The main thing is, there are more vegetables, fruits, cereals from health food stores, exclude potatoes, flour and sweet. However, this is not quite true.
Eating the right foods, but not following a set of rules, you can all try to lose weight to zero. An article about which of the so-called “healthy” foods can lead to weight gain and in what quantities are they better consumed.
Oatmeal. Perfect breakfast. Oatmeal in the form of flakes that are simply steamed with boiling water are empty carbohydrates, which do not give a long saturation, provoke a jump in blood sugar, after which there comes a feeling of mad hunger. This means that in a very short time a person will again want to eat, not to mention that jumps of sugar program the body for obesity. As a result, it becomes even more difficult to lose weight. Among all the variety in the windows, oatmeal should be chosen as hard as possible. You can even use oats in pure form, which is sold at fairs by weight, controlling the size of portions (roughly – the fist in a compressed state). Thus, the saturation will be prolonged, and the level of sugar in the blood will not jump.
Berries and fruit. Especially sweet. Using them uncontrollably, weight gain is inevitable, since they contain a large amount of sugar. Therefore, 1-2 unsweetened apples, ½ grapefruit, green bananas or berries are ideal in the morning, the so-called “first snack”. They can be added to breakfast in porridge. Apples can be eaten baked, adding a little cinnamon. You can eat berries in fresh or frozen form or add them to smoothies. Sweet watermelon, grapes, persimmons are best avoided, in any case, until you reach the desired weight.
Dried fruits (raisins, dates, etc.). No one doubts the usefulness of these products. However, do not forget that there is a concept of “glycemic index of products” – is the ability of products to influence the level of glucose in the blood. The higher the index, the faster the glucose level. Therefore, for example, during weight loss these products, as a rule, are minimized or even prohibited. And sugar dieticians are usually offered to replace Stevia extract, which has 0 calories, so you can consume it as much as you want. It has a specific bitterish taste, this you will only feel for the first few days.
Vegetables. Everybody knows about their benefits, but few people think about their harm to the figure. All vegetables, except potatoes, low-calorie, quickly saturate the stomach, and also enrich the diet with fiber, which is very conducive to losing weight. But vegetables such as beets, corn, carrots, green peas are so-called simple carbohydrates, which also stimulate the increase in blood sugar, thereby hindering the process of losing weight. Therefore, the rate of consumption of these products – not more than 100 grams at a time. And there are them, like fruit and berries, it is only in the first half of the day to have time to “work out” physical activity, because unused carbohydrates will necessarily be laid off in the form of fat stores, for example, on the sides or waist. If for you daily training is a norm of life, then dosages can be increased, everything will be worked out in the gym and extra pounds will not be added.
Fruit fresh. With a glass of orange fresh, the body, of course, receives a dose of vitamins, especially vitamin C, but at the same time it also receives a dose of sugar. Therefore, it is better to choose unsweetened fruits (apples, grapefruits) and eat them whole, receiving a double benefit: you snack, and get a portion of fiber, useful for the intestine. If at the moment you are actively struggling with extra pounds, it is better to drink vegetable fresh. And drink as much as your heart desires, limiting except that consumption of beet and carrot, because these are foods that contain sugar, and also have a high glycemic index.
Image credit: stevepb
Nuts. All nuts (cashew, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, etc.) are quite fatty. And if you take into account that the daily fat rate for a person is 80-100 grams, 40% of them must be plant, then all we can afford is a few pieces during a snack in pure form, you can add them to a salad or sprinkle them with sandwiches with feta cheese, for example.
Olive oil. Despite the wide application of this useful product in dietetics, one should not forget about its caloric value. In 100 grams of butter contains about 900 calories. Therefore, more than two tablespoons of olive oil a day, each containing 150 kcal, is not recommended. For salads it is better to make refueling: to 1 teaspoon of oil you can add lemon juice, balsamic vinegar and mustard. One of the ways: put the salad in a colander, pour the dressing and wait until the oil drains.